Benefits and Appeals
We can provide:
Advice on which benefits you are eligible for and how to apply for them
Help with form-filling
help to challenge decisions
If you need further help to fill in a form or to discuss any matter over the telephone in confidence, please ring us on 01394 387070: Monday to Thursday, 10:00am to 3:00pm (leave a message if we don’t answer - we’ll always come back to you) - or email us.
Here's what you'll find on this page (click each link to take you straight there):
Appealing a DWP Decision
We have a very successful track record of helping clients to win appeals against decisions made against them in tribunals. It is better if we have provided the advice up to the tribunal but we will consider other cases.
Care After Discharge from Hospital
Support and care services you may need even if you are medically well enough to be discharged.
Disability Living Allowance
The Disability Living Allowance was replaced by Personal Independence Payments (PIP) for anyone aged 16-64.
Existing claimants aged 16-64
Go online to Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for adults on Gov.uk
Or telephone: 0800 917 2222
New claimants under 16
Go online to: Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for children
Or phone:
Disability Living Allowance
Telephone: 0345 712 3456
Textphone: 0345 722 4433
Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
Find out about call charges
Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit
Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit – You may be awarded this benefit through a work accident or by developing an industrial disease.
Attendance Allowance
Go online for information on Attendance Allowance or phone the Attendance Allowance helpline:
Telephone: 0345 605 6055
Textphone: 0345 604 5312
Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
Find out about call charges
Attendance Allowance – Guidance on eligibility for this tax-free benefit for people over state pension age who need someone to help look after them because they are physically or mentally disabled.
Constant Attendance Allowance – Guidance on this entitlement for people who need constant care through an injury or disease. This can only be paid if the person being looked after is also claiming either industrial injuries disablement benefit or a war disablement pension.
Pension Credit
Pension Credit is an income-related benefit made up of two parts:
Guarantee Credit
Savings Credit
More information
Go online to Pension Credit on Gov.uk
Or phone free on:
Pension Credit claim line
Telephone: 0800 99 1234
Textphone: 0800 169 0133
Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
You can also use a paper application if you’re unable to make a claim by phone.
Speech and Communication Problems
Organisations, charities and therapists who can assist.
Personal Independence Payments (PIPs)
Go to Personal Independence Payments for information about Personal Independence Payments.
Or start your claim by phoning free on:
Department for Work and Pensions — Personal Independence Payment claims
Telephone: 0800 917 2222
Textphone: 0800 917 7777
Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
Find out about call charges
Which allowance might you qualify for?
The information here is a guide about allowances you may be able to claim. This information is to the best of our knowledge correct but can always change. You should never assume that you will receive a benefit or allowance unless this has been confirmed by the DWP or other body responsible for allocating the money.
You must have needed help for at least three months already and be likely to need help for at least another nine months, with the special rules for end of life help people nearing the end of life to receive fast track financial support from certain benefits.
People who have been told by their doctor or medical professional that they might have 12 months or less to live, may be able to:
start getting payments quicker than usual
get benefits at a higher rate or get extra money
avoid attending a medical assessment
This is sometimes called the 'Special Rules for End of Life'.
DWP British Sign Language Guide to Personal Independence Payments
DWP How to Claim (YouTube signed Video)
There are a lot more British Sign Language videos from the DWP about PIP on the DWP YouTube Channel.
Get help from Personal Independence Payment Publishing Service (Easy Read)
Universal Credit
Universal Credit is replacing some other benefits for people on low incomes or out of work:
Jobseeker’s Allowance
Housing Benefit
Working Tax Credit
Child Tax Credit
Employment and Support Allowance
Income Support
Universal Credit is being phased in across the country, but is already in our area.
Managed migration refers to the organised process of moving legacy benefit claimants to Universal Credit (UC) and ending their legacy benefit awards. Until people come under managed migration, they can remain on the legacy benefits they are receiving, as long as they remain entitled to them, unless they choose to make a claim for UC.
The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) will resume the rollout and complete the implementation of UC by 2024, using a three-track approach: natural migration, voluntary migration ('choose to move'), and managed migration. If you've received a Migration Notice letter, find out what to do and check your eligibility and entitlement to UC.
How to claim Universal Credit
If you’re already claiming benefit you’ll be told when your benefits are being replaced by Universal Credit. If you’re not already claiming benefit and wish to apply, claim your benefits as usual and you will be told if you will be put onto
More information about Universal Credit
DWP video: What is Universal Credit (YouTube Video)
Universal Credit helpline
Or call the Department for Work and Pensions’ Universal Credit helpline:
Telephone: 0800 328 5644
Find out about call charges
Victims of Crime Compensation
Victims of Crime Compensation – Guidance on eligibility to receive compensation if you have been physically or mentally injured as the innocent victim of a violent crime.